Better Sex in 6 Weeks:

The Foundation for Lifelong Eroticism 

Hi you!

Legal contracts can be confusing, so I’m going to make this as simple as possible for you, using an FAQ format. Reach out with any other questions. 

Who’s involved?

Megan Lambert, an intimacy coach, speaker, and retreat facilitator. 

James Mattingley, an transformational facilitator, a couple of select guest teachers,

And YOU! 

What did I purchase? 

You purchased Lifelong Eroticism - Level 1, an 6-week group coaching program that begins on September 1st. 

Lifelong Eroticism - Level 1 includes: 

  • Over 9 hours of live group coaching calls, held via video (Zoom)

  • Personalized sexy dates to complete each week, unique to each couple’s growth edges 

  • A virtual community of brave, open-minded erotic explorers

  • Expert guest speakers to go deeper into masculine/feminine practices

If you upgraded to the VIP option, you also get:

  • Weekly 60-min private coaching sessions with James & Megan (total of 6 sessions) 

  • Unlimited voice & text message support with a 1-2 day response time 

What is my responsibility as the client?

I expect the client to agree to the following statements… 

  1. Coachability - I understand that the most powerful coaching happens when I show up with an open mind, ready to learn and grow. I am willing to reach for things that currently feel impossible. 

  1. Accountability - When I agree to do something, I will follow through. I do not expect my coach to check in on me or hold me accountable as that is a form of giving away my power. I will be fully self-responsible for my own development and growth. 

  1. Responsibility - I understand that I am responsible for the results I desire. The coach will provide suggestions and practices, but ultimately, my results are entirely in my own hands. I determine how much benefit I get from our coaching by my engagement in the process. 

  1. Participation - I know that in order to benefit from the community, I must also contribute to the community. I commit to spending time & effort to connect with the other members of the group. 

  1. Power - I understand that there is an equal power dynamic between client and coach. My coach is not my parent/savior/hero/guru/etc. It is on me to create the success I want and to find the answers I need. My coach is here only to facilitate that process. 

What is the coach’s responsibility? 

Our responsibility is to create a safe space to explore taboo questions around sexuality. 

We will offer tangible practices and tools to facilitate your growth. 

We will offer our wisdom & guidance, which you may always take or leave depending on what resonates with you. 

We promise to see you as the powerful human that you are and to remind you that if you forget.

Do you offer refunds?

No, we don’t. For reference, we’ve never been asked for a refund. Our clients are fully committed to this process - and also 100% responsible for their results. As a result, they often have the best sex of their lives while working with us. If you aren’t getting the results you want, talk to us and let’s figure out together what you most need right now. 

Now for some required legalese…. 

NON-DISPARAGEMENT: Both Parties agree to not take any actions, make any statements, whether oral or in writing, that negatively impact the other party’s business, services, products, or reputation. (Basically, let’s not bad-mouth each other, okay?)

NO GUARANTEES: Company makes no guarantees about Client and Company’s work together. Client agrees that any statements made by Company regarding potential outcomes are opinions and are not binding on Company. The results you experience will be dependent on many factors including, but not limited to your level of personal responsibility, commitment, and abilities, in addition to those factors that you and/ or Company may not be able to anticipate. 

NOT PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE: Company will only be providing the services that are explicitly listed above in Paragraph 3. At no time should any of Company’s services be considered a substitute for professional medical or mental health services, nor should the service be construed as professional therapy. Company’s services are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If at any time Client needs medical, and/or psychological treatment, it is Client’s responsibility to seek it out. 

NOT LEGAL OR FINANCIAL ADVICE: At no time should any of Company’s services be considered a substitute for professional legal or financial advice. If at any time Client needs legal or financial services, it is Client’s responsibility to seek it out. 

MODIFICATION WAIVER: The terms of this Agreement cannot be modified, supplemented, or amended unless agreed to in writing by all parties. The waiver of a term in this Agreement shall not be considered a waiver of any other terms of this Agreement and shall not be considered a continuing waiver. In order to make the waiver binding, the party making the waiver must execute it in writing. The modification or waiver of one term of this Agreement does not affect any other term in the Agreement, regardless of its similarity. 

SEVERABILITY: If any term in this Agreement is found to be void or voidable, the remaining terms of the Agreement are unaffected, and deemed to remain in full force and effect, including those terms that are similar. 

LIMITED LIABILITY: The amount of liability recoverable for any cause of action that arises under this agreement shall not exceed the amount paid for services outlined in this agreement, regardless of whether the cause of action is based in tort, contract or any other theory of liability. Under no circumstances will Company be liable for special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages of any kind, or for any loss of use, business interruption, costs of procurement of substitute goods or services, lost profits, or lost data, even if client has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 

Ready to join?

Just click “Agree to Terms & Conditions” on the payment form.